Night falls this year as if the Word had ended
Presidents and politicians of whatever stripe Proclaim their nation mortally offended Declare religiously the time is ripe For retribution and revenge, exactment of the price Death takes of the living - a well-ordered sacrifice Of men and principles and the old lie For which supposedly we stand, democracy They say, freedom, though not brotherhood A step too far, too rich a sacremental food To ask for recognition of the other’s right To anything beyond obeisance to self-righteous might Just for a while, of course, while we Deal with this terrible emergency Drop Lucifer a bomb or three Won’t take long to set the whole world free - Just so a modern quarrel garbs itself in ancient cloth A clash of faith, a claim to ownership of sacred wrath. Emnity that cannot, will not cease War dubiously declared for the slandered sake of peace. London: March 2003 |